Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hello! My name is Andrew and I am a worry wart...

I am kicking myself in the arse for not buying groceries last night. I just didn't feel up to it -- my malfunctioning brain strikes again. My skin was crawling and I felt feverish with an equal dose of severe anxiety.

My main worry today is that Charlie can't go until 10 pm after Horsefly bowls and 10 pm is the time Kroger has only self-service open until 1 AM. Can Charlie and I get all my groceries on one of the self-service lanes? It is bugging the hell out of me.

A Well Choreographed Occurrence...

Charlie just called me driving home from work and assuaged my worries. We are going to get Horsefly bowling and then we are quickly heading to Kroger. We are going shopping at 9 PM. Charlie didn't like the idea of self-service as well. I promised Charlie it would only take me twenty minutes to shop.

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