Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Maggie Says We Have a Go For a Charlie Visit...

Charlie showed up late tonight and I was not expecting him at all.  It was getting very late and I wondered where in the hell my father was -- the tension growing ever more worrisome and mounting.

Charlie was in my father's white Ford F-150 tonight so I almost didn't recognize him. I was like holy shit, who is this? My social anxieties then went off the scale. I turned on my porch lights and hoped for the best. Maggie knew soon, though, as the truck pulled up to the curb that it was Charlie. The pod people, Jehovah's witnesses, were already in their spaceship for the evening.

Charlie gave me my medications, loved on Maggie for a bit, and we were soon on our way.

"Come on! Let's go get you something good to drink and eat," Charlie told me. "Your father told me to take good care of you in his stead tonight."

I told Charlie that I would just be thrilled to get three Mountain Dews down at the Circle K after we took my medications. I really shouldn't eat very much after taking all those medications.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

What was your dad up to he couldn't come over?