Saturday, May 05, 2018

As the Dust Settles…

Box-Fans-Featured-ImageI was over at my father’s house yesterday. He was joking and laughing and that put me at ease. We were listening to the radio and the lady speaking had a sublime Southern accent. The topic was writing about obituaries. I’ve heard some of you remark on my accent as well – that slow Southern drawl us Southerners seem to have.

I finally put away my fears of my father paying all that money for my HVAC unit. I just told myself that it came out of my mother’s inheritance money and she would love to help me and pay for it. When my car got stolen Christmas day years ago and we finally retrieved it, mom paid over $500 to get the locks changed on that car and she did it gladly out of love.

The house is just now cooling down for the day as the clock passed midnight. I will go to bed about 2 AM which has become my custom these days. I usually sleep until 2 PM the next day. My sleeping habits have always been weird so this is nothing new. Horsefly sleeps from sun up to sun down like a vampire. He’s a member of our weird sleepers club as well. My father stays up to 1 AM most nights on the nights he doesn’t have to work.

“I like it when it is so quiet and lowkey. That damn phone isn’t ringing as well,” he told me the other day.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I just heard someone refer to a southern accent as “South in your mouth!”