Thursday, May 31, 2018

Far Out! Man!

For the most part, my medications are mostly benign. I’ve built up a tolerance to them over the years where they don’t effect me nearly as harshly as they used to do. Every now and then they will knock my socks off, though. I forth went lunch and took my medications on an empty stomach at noon. An hour rolled around and the room started to spin. I had this sense of giddiness and a fuzzy feeling in my head. I reclined in my Laz-E-Boy and felt like I was just going to completely melt into my chair. I love to feel extraordinary in a good way like I did today. That’s why I liked to drink all those years I was an alcoholic. I was just trying to feel better. Oh god, could I be a miserable little wretch at times. Get a six pack of Schlitz malt liquor in me and I was smiling. I realized now all these years later that I was just self medicating with alcohol instead of taking prescribed medications. So, here, I raise a pill bottle to you and say cheers!

1 comment:

PipeTobacco said...


Enjoy your diversion. We can all use a break once in a while.
