Saturday, May 12, 2018

I Want to Live in the Frozen Tundra of Siberia…

Siberia - CopyAnd then I would be bitching about the cold…

“Andrew!” Charlie said jubilantly, walking across the yard to my front door after parking at the curb.

Maggie barked fervently as I stood there to welcome our welcomed visitor inside behind the screened door.

“When are they coming to install your AC?” Charlie asked me setting my food atop the entertainment center as he walked inside. “It is awful warm in here.”

“I don’t know and I don’t think my dear father knows as well,” I replied to Charlie.

“I am going to call Mr. Moore and tell him he needs to hurry up,” Charlie told me. “And I will call your father and tell him when they are going to install it as well.”

I thanked Charlie so much. Charlie is a man of action.

“You don’t have to clean today. I forbid it!” I told Charlie adamantly.

“Well, at least let me take out your trash!” Charlie said, aggravated with me.

Charlie filled up Maggie’s water bowl and took out the very heavy trash bag that was in my trash can. He also couldn’t resist the empty milk jugs atop my refrigerator. He bagged those up and took them with him as well.

The Best Laid Plans Come to Fruition…

Well, my plan worked. It has only gotten up to 80°F in here today despite it being 93°F outside. I’ve also got a box fan blowing on me at the moment and that cool air feels so good. So this is how Mrs. Minnie did it! I will put the fan back in the window after dark fall and the temperatures begin to drop. 


Sharyn said...

Your temperature range has always baffled me! LOL

Summer said...

I grew up without air conditioning and I don't know how I survived it. I'm such a wimp now I know I couldn't do it without some major whining.

glittermom said...

It’s a lot easier to tolerate the heat when your young. As you get older harder and also dangerous. I never had air conditioning till I was I was in my 40’s. Couldn’t survive without it now ..