Sunday, May 13, 2018

It’s Time For a Little Cool Around Here…

“Tony is coming in the morning to install your air conditioning,” Charlie told me as he handed me a sack of biscuits and a Coke.

“Thank goodness!” I exclaimed to Charlie. “Thank you so much for calling.”

“I told Tony he was going to miss out on a good sale if he didn’t hurry up,” Charlie said. “I was going to get John to get an estimate from somewhere else.”

Charlie was in a hurry today as well and didn’t dawdle. He said goodbye and was headed to my father’s house with the always contentious senior coffee and then home with Janice's and Horsefly’s biscuits. It didn’t stop Maggie from putting on a good show, though, which pleased me.

I couldn’t eat my sausage biscuit this morning so Maggie got two. She was pleased as a peach. I always love it when Charlie brings bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits – such a nice change of pace. I’m first at the dinner plate when he does that.


glittermom said...

Thank you Charlie!!! 💕

Sharyn said...

Glad you got your air fixed. I am in my own little hell here. Mother's Day is so hard on me. But I needed to connect with someone so I thought of you. It will be ok I'm sure. I hate Hallmark making up stupid holidays that cost money and make those of us without kids, feel like crap. I'm sure you have your favorite too. Plus I miss the women I used to wish Happy Mother's Day to and Miss Martha was certainly one!