Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It’s Commonly Referred to as Small Talk…

Rebecca, my nurse, has singlehandedly made me adept at small talk – something that used to escape my grasp.

“It sure is breezy outside with some pretty wild gusts,” I said to Rebecca as she prepared my injection this morning. “Courtesy of Alberto.”

“I know!” Rebecca replied. “I hope we don’t have another storm during my vacation in two weeks.”

“Today is the 8th day in a row I have gotten up early for me and taken a shower. Everything else is just icing on the cake. Then I fix Maggie and me a big breakfast.”

“Well good for you! Routines are important. I fix the kids breakfast, but I rarely eat breakfast these days,” Rebecca told me. “I pack myself a lunch for work in a cooler and I cook a big supper every night for when the hubby gets home. He likes everything fried.”

I chuckled about the fried part.

“Are you ready?” Rebecca said as she turned around with my injection.

“Ready as I will ever be,” I replied pulling up my shirt and pulling down my pants to the side showing only the bare necessities.

“You smell like apples,” Rebecca said as she was injecting the Risperdal.

“It’s my shampoo,” I replied.

“Well, it sure smells good and you are all done for another two weeks.”

I excitedly thanked Rebecca and headed to the front office to get my next appointment card. Old Fuss and Feathers was waiting on me back at the pharmacy.

“That was extra quick,” he remarked.

“I didn’t even have to sign in,” I told him. “Rebecca was waiting on me at the door to the lobby.”

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