Saturday, July 17, 2004

A bike ride in the rain…..

I went for a long ride tonight. It was cloudy and overcast. The katydids were out in abundance. There was a soft rain falling. It is now 3am and I cannot sleep. I have lots on my mind and trying to sleep would be fruitless.

I rode down to the Spectrum down by the lake to get me a cold drink. They are open 24 hours a day. I sat there on the curb drinking a cold coke. The tingly goodness slid down my throat. I love a carbonated drink. The parking lot was dead and the workers inside working the night shift were bored. One of the attendants walked outside to talk to me.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I am fine. Just taking a ride. I needed to get out of the house.” I said.

He sat down on the sidewalk beside me.

“Nice bike. That thing even has a suspension on it. Does it ride smooth?” He asked

“I love that bike. It is my cherished possession. It is as smooth as butter.” I said.

“What are you doing out this time of night?” He asked.

“Oh, just getting out and clearing my head. I cannot sleep.” I replied.

“I get that way myself. Life has a way of keeping you up sometimes. I worry about my bills or if I will ever get ahead. It drives me crazy.” The attendant said.

“I know how you feel my friend. Life does have a way of sneaking up on you. Well, I need to head home. I am going to try to sleep.” I said.

We shook hands and exchanged names. He was a nice fellow. I think I have found a new friend. I will stop by tomorrow and see how he is doing.

Currently, I have fixed a big pot of hot tea and am sipping on it. It is Chinese green tea that my ex-wife bought me and has been in the freezer. I am hoping it will make me sleepy. I am going to watch the latest episode of Eastenders and hopefully can fall asleep. I need a stiff drink right now. Good thing there is nothing in the house or I would be drunk as we speak. May your dreams carry you to the destinations you have always thought about. I will close and good night.

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