Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Protesting the protesters……

As I sit here waiting to leave, I read an interesting entry on Crystal’s website, the thoughts and opinions of a homeless girl. I value what she writes but I sometimes disagree. She has a right to her opinions and I often ponder over them carefully. She wrote that she was not celebrating the fourth of July and was embarrassed by her country.

I have opinions as well and would like to express them. That is the cool thing about blogs in that you can have an opinion and post it. Here are some of my opinions on this matter.

I do not completely associate our country with government. Our country is made up of millions of people and they are our country. Our government is just a broker and liaison to the outside world and to us. I feel pride in my country and the great people who dwell in it. I feel a loathsome shame when it comes to the farce our government has become. I separate the two things. A government does not make a country. The people in that country do.

I do agree that the level of consumerism and the extent that corporations have enlarged have taken over many of our lives. I want to add though that corporations are not a machine. People run corporations. These are people such as you or me; people with families, bills to pay, cars in the garage. It is a human dilemma and not something that came to be on accident. It should be treated as such.

Now I will concede that corporations tend to take on a life of their own. Most corporations now have the rights of an individual. I think that is unfair. A corporation is a conglomerate of people working for a singular cause. More than likely the cause of a corporation is to improve the bottom line and to make shareholders happy. An individual is just that; a single person working for a cause. That cause is to make a living and to take care of one’s family. This can make the playing ground very unfair. I think this should be reconciled in some way but I do not have the answers

As far as consumerism is concerned, we all consume and the word is thrown around too loosely. We all have to eat. We all have to consume resources to heat our homes and fuel our cars. It is a fact of life. One thing I want to add is that we over consume and feel it is our right. We take valuable resources and use them at an alarming rate and never think of the consequences. This, my friends, will some day come to a crashing halt.

I feel it is human nature to do such a thing. It is human to consume. It is in our genes. Most of us do whatever it takes to make sure our progeny prospers and carries on our genes. It is survival of the fittest. Some are more successful than others and others fall to the wayside. In my opinion it comes strictly down to evolution.

People such as me with a disease will be less likely to carry on their genes. People with a capacity for less intelligence will be more likely to have a tougher go of things. It is a dog eat dog world and most people never see the simplicity of it. I see it clearly. Everything really comes down to sex. Why do we have sex? For one thing it is enjoyable, nature made it so. We want to have it and it feels good but it gives the added bonus of procreation. It is a bonus of making sure our genes survive another generation and go on to perpetrate themselves. Those with the fittest gene lines will survive farther and further spread their offspring. Those offspring will then go on to dictate to the rest of us; those with less than stellar genes.

My, I have gone off on a tangent. My mind is a whirl of ideas today. I am sitting here bored and ready to go. I really got to deep with this post but will share it anyway. I hope I do not offend anyone. I try to keep this blog light but sometimes the intellectual in me breaks out. Good bye and fare well. My ride will be here soon.

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