Thursday, July 22, 2004

I hope tough mornings turn into beautiful afternoons……

Today has been an emotional roller coaster. I had written in a comment on the Frumpy Professor’s site that life can sometimes have a way of throwing a monkey wrench into your machinery and stopping the processes.

I got a pitiful call from my 86 year old great aunt this morning. It was around 7 am. I get up before the sun comes up. She wanted me to come and live with her. She told me she gets lonely and loves me and needs me to help take care of her. I had tears rolling down my cheeks as she talked to me. I feel a certain responsibility for her because of my Meemaw. She would want me to see about her.

“I will cook us breakfast and lunch and you could till the land and start a garden.” She said. “You need to get the old rototiller running.”

The old rototiller in the barn is seventies vintage and probably hasn’t been cranked in years. It would be a project unto itself.

“Myrt, I am buying a house soon but will start staying over with you a few nights a week. You know I love you.” I replied.

“There is no reason for you to spend all that money on a house when you can come live with me. My house is paid for and we can go fishing everyday down at the backwater.” She replied.

“Myrt, I can’t do that just yet. I have responsibilities here and cannot just up and leave them.” I replied feeling guilty.

“Will you come and stay two nights next week?” She asked.

“You can count on it. We will go pick some figs from Bonseil’s house and make some more preserves.” I told her.

“I want you to get me some late tomatoes started and we will get a bed for fall collard greens ready.” She said.

“If I can get that tiller working then we will have us some tomatoes and greens this fall.” I replied to placate her.

“Well, you stay out of trouble and I will be looking for you next week.” She replied

We said our goodbyes and the customary I love you and hung up the phone.

It would be a fantasy of mine to go live with her but I would have to give up much as well. She lives a rigid, pious lifestyle and I would have to conform to her wishes. She goes to bed around 7 PM eastern time. I would HAVE to go to the little Baptist church every Sunday and Sunday school as well. That means dressing up in itchy, uncomfortable Sunday suits. Internet is out of the question. She still uses a rotary dial phone that is sixties vintage. The ancient phone lines couldn’t handle the internet. I have tried with a dial up account and my old laptop when I was over there one day just out of curiousity.

I would love to live in the country though. She also has a mint condition 1962 Studebaker Gran Turismo that has sit covered in the garage for years that I could tinker with and get running again. I think I will just compromise with her and start staying a few nights every week. Lets just see how that goes.

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