Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Dumpster Diving Dan…….

I try to take an early walk everyday. It helps to clear my mind. If I start out early enough I always see this old man dumpster diving behind the Piggly Wiggly. This morning I stopped to talk to him as he waved hello. I was interested in just what he was finding in there every morning. I will call him Dumpster Diving Dan for the purpose of this blog as I do not know his real name.

“Good morning!” Dumpster Dan said as he waved.

“Good morning!” I replied.

“Trying to get things done before it gets too hot; it is going to be a scorcher today.” Dan replied.

“What do you find in the dumpsters? Anything good? I see you out here almost every morning.” I asked and replied.

“The night shift goes through and throws out all the out of date things overnight. I find meat, veggies, and other things. I rarely have to buy groceries. I shouldn’t tell you this as I am giving out my secret.” Dan said.

“Don’t worry. I won’t take over your secret. I am not too fond of dumpster diving.” I said as I laughed.

Dan just laughed and his head disappeared below the dumpster’s side as he went back to work. He was standing knee deep in trash with some rubber hip waders on.

“You actually eat that stuff? Doesn’t it make you sick?” I asked as I was intrigued.

Dan poked his head back up.

“Nah, that’s why I hit the dumpsters so early in the morning. The food hasn’t had time to spoil. Those sell by dates are never right and you never get sick. They throw away perfectly good food every night.” Dan replied.

“Well, let me continue with my walk. Good morning to ya and good luck.” I replied and started back on my morning walk. My curiosity had been quelled.

Dumpster Diving Dan peaks my interest because he doesn’t look poor and he drives a later model Toyota pickup that is in nice condition. He must be so cheap as to do this everyday. I have heard of people who are so frugal they go to such extreme measures. I bet he has a large sum of money saved up somewhere and will die without ever spending it. I sometimes think that this can be a kind of mental disease.

I had a great uncle like that. He died with hundreds of thousands of dollars in several checking accounts He lived as if he was poor and you would have never known he was rich. We were all stunned after he had passed away and they settled his estate. He lived a pauper’s existence.

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