Saturday, July 17, 2004

Heading out……

I saw an interesting post on the homeless guy’s site last night, early in the morning. He said he was packing up and heading to San Diego and leaving Nashville. He said the humidity and pollen were bothering him. He had also stated that it was a post dated post and he had already left. This morning I find that post gone and some Christian mumbo jumbo posted instead. I found that interesting and wanted to share this information. I also find it not too surprising that he is asking for your money again. If you have read about George then take my advice and send your money to a charity and not him. I know these kinds of people. They are cheaters. He will just squander it on cheap hotel rooms and fast food and not what you intended.

As for me, I am feeling better today. I finally got to sleep around 5 am and slept until 10 am. I have been organizing my gear for a little expedition. I am going camping today and it is a good day to do it. The sky is cloudy and overcast and it has been raining all morning. It is really cool outside. It will be comfortable and nice.

I spent a long time going over my gear. I love to do this. I cleaned my water filter and pulled everything out of my backpack to check its reliability. I am ready to go. I have everything all packed up and I am waiting for the rain to abate. I am going to pitch my tent and sit and listen to the radio. I also have an interesting book on Native Americans that I am reading that will lend to the atmosphere. No fire today as rain is forecasted for the afternoon. I might even get wet hiking to the pond. That is all part of the experience.

I now bid you farewell and will start on my journey soon. I need to get out into the great outdoors and clear my head. I need the smells of the forest, the chatter of birds and squirrels, and the sound of running water to put me at ease. I am going to vegetate out in my tent and spend a lazy afternoon doing nothing. Good day and fare well.

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