Sunday, July 18, 2004

Road trip……

I see that the homeless guy and has gone and done a runner. What happened to his position on the mayor’s task force to end homeless? We all have responsibilities and must do things we don’t want to do. I hate cutting the grass but it is something I have to do to keep a home. I hate living on a shoestring budget but know I would go hungry if I do not carefully plan. He had a chance to get back into his children’s lives since he had a home and what does he do? He dumps it all and takes a road trip across the country. I figured this would happen so I am not too surprised. I guess I shouldn’t read his site and try not to but it draws me back for some reason.

I was thinking just then of him using the system to his advantage. Somebody has to pay and work for the services he utilizes. I wonder if he ever thinks of the morality of using these services when he is perfectly capable of keeping a home. That is one less bed or meal for the truly needy. Now he is going on a sight seeing tour of the local shelter near you. I just find him and the way he acts to being extremely frustrating. You rarely read of success stories when it comes to homeless people. I wanted to read about him finally, for once, getting things right and getting back into his children’s lives. If I had two children, I would do what it takes to take care of them and support them even if it meant me having to go through hell and back to do it.

I think Kevin is a professional homeless person and because of his beliefs and ideologies he will always be homeless. It really has nothing to do with his ability to keep a home. He has demonstrated that he can. I guess I could go live that way as well. I would be quite well off if I had food and lodging provided for me free. I could buy lots of nonsense. Go to the movies all the time. Eat ribeye steaks for supper. Man, I could have a grand time with no worries and no responsibilities. I could travel the country riding the rails and living the life of a hobo. I have often fantasized about such a carefree, transient lifestyle.

I cannot do that though. I have a family who loves me and needs me. I have responsibilities that must be taken care of. I have Alaine and she needs me and my friendship. I have so many things and sometimes it is hard. Family can be hard to deal with. Relationships always don’t go so smoothly. Unexpected bills can pop up. I guess I just feel really sorry for the man and the way he CHOOSES to live his life. I will hush and get off my soapbox but know that this man is homeless by choice and not predicament. That’s one of the reasons it makes me so angry when people give money to this guy so he can live a carefree existence. I will shut up and have probably said to much as it is.

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