Thursday, July 22, 2004

A date with my friend Risperdal……

I had two stories to tell so I broke them into two different entries as they are unrelated.

I had to take my shot this morning at the doctor’s office. Normally, this is a routine affair but today was different. I tend to be very modest about exposing myself and this ordeal always makes me uncomfortable.

Today was doubly hard. My usual nurse Laurie was off and I had to use the next available nurse. She had never administered this kind of shot. It is a complicated process and not like just a regular injection.

“This is the most convoluted thing I have ever seen.” She said aloud.

This did not instill confidence in me at all.

She fumbled for a long time trying to figure out the process. I sat on the bench waiting and the waiting made my anxiety increase. I also hated to have to pull my pants down to a complete strange and bear my ass.

Finally, she had the injection ready.

“Hon, pull your pants down for me.” She said.

Here is goes……there was a slight pause.

“Big stick so be ready.” She said.

I jerked as she stuck it in really fast. I felt as if someone had stuck a rusty nail into my ass cheek. Man, did it burn.

“All done sweetheart, you call pull your pants back up now.” She replied with a smile on her face.

Boy, was I glad to get that over with. I am so glad to be home and to have that anxiety filled process over with.

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