Thursday, July 15, 2004

The House of Cards……

I tend to be apolitical but some things do rile me up. I will be frankly honest. I do not watch the news. If something is truly important it finds me. I think the local and national news is nothing but a bunch of bullshit, neatly packaged, and made to smell like flowers. I do not believe the crap that comes out of the television set and most media outlets.

I had a bit of news come my way and wanted to share it. First off, are these people serious? Do they think we are the affable? I am speaking of the White House’s proposal to be granted the power to suspend and/or delay the November elections in case of a terrorist attack. I posted this link on Sullivan’s website since I thought he might be interested. You can read the news article below.

I do believe this administration is becoming desperate. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am equal opportunity hater. I dislike all the major parties, republican and democrat alike. I think that most of our current leadership is not interested in what is best for the American people but what is best for them. Special interests abound in our current scene of politics. I will leave you with a quote from The Last Day of my Life.

You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but you can't bullshit
all of the people all of the time.

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