Saturday, July 31, 2004

A good day draws to a close…..

I’ve had a wonderful day. It was full of things that make life worth living. My great aunt Jessie had her birthday supper tonight. She is eighty seven years old and going strong. We cooked steaks on the grill and made homemade vanilla ice cream from my grandmother’s recipe. Alaine and Paige came over to accompany me to this. It is so good to have close friends again after such a long drought.

My sister drove down from Birmingham to join us and I had a good time talking to her out on the front porch. We talked about her residency at UAB medical center and various medical things. She was very keen on asking me about substance abuse and what works and doesn’t work. She is seeing a lot of older veterans who are riddled with alcohol abuse and she wanted to know what has worked for me. I tried my best to enlighten her about my experiences. I explained Alcoholics Anonymous and how the process works.

After the supper, Alaine wanted to spend time with me alone. We took Paige home and sat in the car in the driveway. I drove, thank god, as Alaine cannot drive worth a shit. Bless her soul.

“Can we go to the movies again?” Alaine asked.

“Sure, sweetheart. Where do you want to go and what do you want to see?” I asked.

I knew what the answer was.

“Let’s go to Lagrange and see Catwoman.” Alaine replied.

I had to give in as we saw what I wanted to see last weekend. I owed her one and had to relent.

“Sure thing doll. We are headed that way now.” I replied and we gave each other a big hug across the seats.

I drove up to Lagrange, Georgia and found the movie theaters. I hadn’t been up here in years. I was a much better experience than the Auburn theaters. It was practically deserted and the theater was nice and clean.

I didn’t pay much attention to the movie. The movie quite frankly sucked. I spent my time looking at her face with the soft glow of the screen upon it. She looked radiant.

“What are you looking at?” She said with a smile.

“Something very beautiful.” I replied and she smiled again.

“Quit, you are making me blush.” Alaine said.

“Just ignore this love struck fool.” I said as she giggled and went back to watching the movie.

After the movie, we drove back down to West Point Georgia to West Point Lake and sat at the waters edge. The night had grown cool and comfortable. She had on a sleeveless shirt and said she was cold. I held her tight.

“Would you have ever thought you would actually meet someone on the internet?” Alaine asked.

I just chuckled and smiled.

“Not someone like you.” I replied.

“Are you glad you met me?” She asked me.

“You bring joy to my soul darling. You have changed my life.” I replied.

The sound of the lake waves hitting the shore reminded me of the ocean. It was a romantic setting. You could make out the white and green marker lights of boats as they made their way back to the docks to head home for the day.

We finally made our way back home. She decided to stay over here with me tonight. She called her mom and made sure she was okay. She is currently sound asleep in the bed as I type this. I am not to far from it myself. I am yawning more and more frequently as the minutes pass. Good night my friends and I hope your weekend has been as wonderful as mine.

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