Sunday, July 11, 2004

Anti-Smoking Nazis…….

I was down, sitting behind the bank on the bench, minding my own business yesterday. I was waiting for trains to pass by but it was a bust day. No trains and I sat for hours. I ended up finishing my book and looking at an old issue of Model Railroader that I had brought.

As I was sitting there, an older, white lady sitting in her car hollers something at me. I was just sitting there smoking a cigarette. I couldn’t quite make out what she said so I walked over towards her car. I thought maybe she knew me or my father. My father knows absolutely everyone in this town.

“Excuse me, miss?” I asked.

“I said that smoking is going to kill you and you are polluting the air.” She replied back with a smirk.

She was an elderly lady driving an older eighties model Buick. This made me angry and I didn’t know how to react at first.

“Lady, you are polluting the air for more than me driving that smog producing piece of crap car.” I replied back with a raised voice.

“Well you do not have to get rude. Quitting would be good for your health.” She said.

“And you minding your own business would be good for yours as well. The next person you do this too might not be as nice as me.” I replied back and then walked away. She cranked up her car and drove off.

I despise people who act like this. I have met my fair share of anti-smoking Nazis. A lot of them tend to be ex-smokers as well. They seem to be bitter at people who still smoke as if they are jealous. I shouldn’t have let that lady get to me but she touched a nerve. I do not smoke in enclosed public spaces. Hell, I rarely even smoke in my own home. I step outside.

I know I should quit but I lean on my smoking habit to help calm my nerves. I was thinking of quitting a few weeks ago and had asked my father to bring me home some nicorette gum. He told me to hold off on quitting. He didn’t want it to cause me to have problems and he said that I should not try to change too many things all at once. I took has advice with a sigh of relief.

I read a news article as to why so many people with mental illness smoke. I will post that article after this paragraph. When I was in the mental hospital the majority of people who were in with me smoked cigarettes. We would line up like jonesing crack addicts for our smoke breaks. If they ever missed a break there would almost be a riot and fights and discord would ensue. Anyways, I will close. Here is that article courtesy of

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