Saturday, November 04, 2006

A Cold Morning Dawns…

I got a call from George last night. He gets out of jail next Wednesday. I told him I would be up there early that morning to pick him up and bring him home. He sounded so excited. I was excited for him. I have only been in jail once in my whole life while I was in college. I drove from my dorm room to the frat house across the street and got pulled over by the University police for a DUI. It was the most miserable night of my life in that barren cell. I will never forget the hangover the next morning as I opened my eyes to those grey walls and bars, and that solemn call to my parent’s home to get the money for bail. Needless to say, my parents were none to happy with me. I always learned my lessons the hard way.

Last night, I once again pitched my tent in the backyard. An almost full moon was rising upon the eastern horizon as I smoked my last cigarette before climbing into my sleeping bag. We had freeze warnings out so I knew I was in for an interesting night. I slept in my “big and tall” goose down winter sleeping bag and stayed toasty warm until I climbed out this morning to run to the house. It was freezing cold. My little weather station read 31 degrees at 6 AM. Brrrr! Last night reminded me of my homeless days sleeping in the woods for months.

I saw my ex-girlfriend, Alaine, yesterday. I had gone to Rodger’s barbeque to pick me and mom up a fried catfish plate for dinner and she was eating with some friends. I and Alaine dated after my divorce. We were very cordial with each other and treated each other nicely. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and she rushed over to talk to me. Alaine was just a little too intense for my tastes which reminded me of my ex-wife and I cut off our relationship.

“You and Paige still playing Mexican train dominoes every Wednesday night with the church group?” I asked her.

“Paige passed away earlier this year,” She replied with a look of deep sadness on her face. "She had compications with her diabetes."

Paige was her best friend. I gave her a hug and told her I was sorry.

“Call me any time you need someone to talk to,” I told her sincerely.

She hugged me again and told me she would call soon and then went back to her friends and her meal.

I and Carolyn are most likely driving to Atlanta today. Carolyn wants to do some more shopping and I promised I would get her out of town. I want to go by the model railroad hobby shop myself and pick up some new rolling stock kits to paint, air brush, and assemble. I also want to head by The Varsity and get a couple of fried peach pies as well as a treat. I and Carolyn should have a grand day.


Summer said...

Brrrrr rabbit! It's cold here too this morning. There's frost on the pumpkins. Have a fun day and when you sink your teeth into that fried peach pie think of me all the way up here drooling....

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. Question: Is there really an "easy" way to learn a lesson? They're all hard it seems. It's all part of growing up.

~*~K said...

We've had frost for a few days now, but not this morning.

You and Carolyn should have quite an enjoyable day. And I hope you do!

abbagirl74 said...

It's nine in the morning and I just woke up. I was that tired. I see you are going on a road trip. Lucky. I hope you have a grand time.