Friday, November 03, 2006

Setting out for the Day…

I saw Droopy walking through downtown, but managed to avoid him today. I am sure he would have asked me for more money. Droopy is perpetually broke and always trying to bum a dollar.

I managed to hike six miles today. It took a good mile before my legs limbered up though. That first mile was uncomfortable.

It was a windy, brisk, and cold day as I once again walked the tracks bundled up in a heavy coat. I finally left those familiar rails and set off through the woods to visit the grand Chattahoochee. The river was still very high from all the recent rains we have been having and the color of the water was a murky turbulent muddy brown. I need to go fishing down here in the next few days and see what I can catch.

I then left the river, walked back across the tracks, and then across the four lane highway to Sarah Jay’s eatery to get a hamburger and some fries. The restaurant was abnormally busy with patrons today and was bustling with activity. I sat down at an empty table for two as the waitress walked up to greet me.

“What can I get you honey?” She asked as she smacked on a piece of gum and held her little order pad and a pen.

“Get me the hamburger plate and large milk,” I replied.

I sat as I drank my milk and read today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution. I realized no news is good news as I read. Soon, the waitress brought out my meal. The burger was delicious. Burgers are Sarah Jay’s specialty.

After leaving Sarah Jay’s, I walked on down to the dollar store and bought a pack of printer paper and stuffed it into my backpack. I then hiked the last mile on home to find four messages on my answering machine. All of them were those damn aggravating political ads. There should be a law against those damn things. I made a mental note of who called and vowed not to vote for them. I dislike politicians calling me at home with their pandering bullshit.


Lexa Roséan said...

ha ha. I hate those political vms too and I make the same mental note!

Summer said...

I don't care who calls and leaves messages on my voice mail. I'm going to vote on Tuesday. I have a mission to rid society of some rats.

Nanny Louise said...

I just found your blog while searching the "next blog" button on my bog. I have only read this post, but I do and cant wait to read more.

Newsandseduction said...

interesting blog.

Leann said...

I was finally able to catch up!

The hiking sounds wonderful. I truly hope you get to do the trail come summer. PPptttthhhhhtttt to your dad....LOL

~*~K said...

Hello my friend!

I'm glad you're back...I've missed reading your blogs!