Thursday, November 09, 2006

Country Boulevards…

As usual, I am up at the crack of dawn. I just went for a long ride in the predawn cold out into the country. I saw my fair share of deer parading in front of my car across the road; their eyes shining like little bright orbs in the high beams of my Honda.

Last night was a night of phone conversations. I talked to my friend, Abbagirl, for a short time. She was checking up on me after my dire sounding audio blog post yesterday morning. Then I spent some time talking to George. He had many stories of jail to revel me in. He certainly had an interesting time to say the least. I then went to go buy groceries for the week and came home to a message from Carolyn. She told me to call her before going to bed. We ended up talking each other to sleep. I wanted her to come over and crawl into the bed with me, but she was tired and already had her pajamas on.

The first thing I did this morning was to start my coffee and then I got a big pot of vegetable beef soup simmering on the stove. The wonderful aroma of that bubbling soup is wafting throughout my home and smells delicious. It should be ready just in time for lunch and I will freeze the rest.

Well, let me go pour another cup of coffee and then go put on my hiking clothes. I didn’t hike yesterday and feel guilty about it. I hope to make nine miles today. I swear. One of these days I am going to break the ten mile a day mark. I am going to have to to hike the trail this summer. Good day.


abbagirl74 said...

And a good day to you as well, my dear friend. Have a wonderful time.

Wilderness Artist said...

Your soup sounds wonderful! I do so love the aroma of soup on the stove.

And the smell of cooking turkey! There were times in my past when I was feeling a bit down, I would go to the store to purchase a couple of turkey thighs to bake in the oven just so I could have the house filled with that aroma. Then I got to eat the turkey, too!

I wonder if any of the rest of you feel that way about turkey aroma?

zirelda said...

WA that's why Thanksgiving rocks. As Homer Simpson would say, "turkey.....mmmmmmmmm"

Andrew said...


I too love the aroma of a roasting turkey in the oven. Hopefully, Thanksgiving will bring such smells to my home.
