Friday, April 09, 2010

A Voice for Katie…

Katie wrote the comment about AA and sponsorship in which I criticized so fiercely.  I never let her respond.  Here is her place to respond.  Katie, if you are still reading, post your replies here and all will be published.  I am sorry and hope I didn’t offend you too much.  You do have a voice on this blog and I appreciate your readership and your opinions.  Andrew


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

how sweet of you andrew :) thats very kind and fair minded of you :)
i have to work hard every day to see the similarities not the differences. it is very hard but so well worth it :)

Anonymous said...

Take Katie like a "grain of salt". I love reading your blog and keep it up!

Melissa Day

K said...

It's great that everyone has turned my comment/discussion of sponsorship into something negative. I've always believed that people see what they want to see, instead of the actual intention that is there. Not all of us are great with words or getting them across without being "passionate" about what we're discussing. Now, onto the matter at hand...

My thoughts were provoked by your new profile info section,

"My way hasn't worked. Forced abstinence hasn't worked. I am turning to Alcoholics Anonymous and God to help me with my problems. Here, I will chronicle this new journey through my life. I am open to ideas and suggestions. Nothing is too far fetched for me at this point in my life. I am willing to try anything and everything..."

And, I really was thinking that you were going to try something different. I've read what I wrote over and over (due to the offense you've taken) and I can't for the life of me find one spot of advice in there. I'm advocating sponsorship, plain and simple. And, in that advocation I was thinking that you wanted "to go to any length" to do what it takes.

I waited until I had a year sober to get a sponsor because I didn't think I needed one. Then I got one and it was great. After 6 months she relapsed, and I held a huge resentment and swore I'd never get another one because it was a waste of time. But, for me, with resentments come reservations and that's a dangerous place to sit in for any length of time. So after almost another year I found a new sponsor. The very best sponsor for me, and I've been with her ever since.

I feel like my time in AA was incomplete without her. Not a single one of my crazy thoughts or ideas are too much for her. I hope for everyone to feel that completeness/wholeness/serenity in the program and in every day life.

I apologized in the comment, which you chose to delete, and said that I meant those things with love and compassion and nothing more or less. I spoke from my experience and gratitude with sponsorship and the joy that it brings to me.

On one last note, per other comments, I've never posted annonymous on this site. Not in 3 years and I don't ever intend to. Give someone else credit for that post, it wasn't me.

Andrew said...


Thanks for your thoughts and thanks for reading again and posting. I am truly sorry for what happened yesterday. I handled that all too wrong -- jumping to conclusions. I think it is important to admit when I am wrong promptly and I am doing so. Take care of yourself and you are free to comment anytime you like.


K said...

I appreciate that. And, again, I'm sorry about how it came out. I had no intention of offending you.

Joy Heather said...

I for one would not have been SO upset.IF i had seen an apology or the comments Kate made about quote 'Love & compassion been her real intention'in replying to you. I notice today that the ruder comments on her original comment have since been removed..and this is a good thing..perhaps the negatives are best forgotten now...its fine to have differing views to people...thats what makes blogs so interesting..but its when folk become rude in the comments that it annoy me, as it's just not can totally disagree with a person..but its the way you put your comment over that is important..By the way i find Katie extremely eloquent and very able to express herself, this is not meant as judgemental, just a fact....I hope everyone has a good day and peaceful day.

justLacey said...

I don't know, I re-read Katie's comment and found parts of it harsh. If you are trying to truly show love and compassion, then you should be less abrasive with your advice. Your second post was more informational and less judgmental. Perhaps a better expression of what you say you truly meant. I do have the same problem expressing myself on paper and sometimes have to rewrite things to make them more palatable for people. I am disappointed that it was edited initially, perhaps that is what Andrew truly heard and why he chose to leave off the rest.