Friday, April 23, 2010

The Great Crash…

George went to jail for a very long time yesterday after his day in court.  They revoked his license so he will never be able to legally drive again.   I am sad and mad – mad at George for doing that to his mother and me.  Now, I know how my father has felt all those years I got DUIs and kept him in a legal stir.   I don’t know what much else to say other than I am deeply depressed.  He was one of my only and best friends despite all his problems. 


Jules said...

I understand your frustration. It's sometimes hard to accept other people's paths. George has to do it his way, like we all do.

I wish him well.

skinny minny said...

I am glad you are able to express who and what you are mad about. and to recognize both. how long is he in jail for? will you and his mom be able to see him? Maybe this is his path to recovery and part of your pathway to more strength in your recovery...
oh and please don't put his friendship in the past tense in this day and age you can still be friendseven if you can't see him...though I know it isn't exactly the same... thinking of you and George...

glittermom said...

Too bad George decided to go down that road again with the drinking..Going to jail never ends well..I think you come out worse then when you go in...I feel worse for his mother and you then I do him...He had a choice...

This IS The Fun Part! said...

So sad for Mrs. Florene and for you. I know what a good friend he is and how hard it will be without him popping in all the time. You still have his mom - who obviously loves you - but I know it's no consolation for having "lost" your best friend!

I hope you will be able to take Mrs. Florene to visit him from time to time. That would be a great help for her!


PipeTobacco said...


Do you have any idea of the length of time that is being given to George?

Do you have any plans to visit him?


Happyone :-) said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend George. It so sad that it has come to that.
I'm sorry you are hurting.

Jenn said...

How long will he be in jail?

Anonymous said...

i think it would be good if sometime you could go to visit him with his mom if it is not a trigger for you to go there wit h all th e locks and such the one time i visited someone in jail i got triggered by all of the locks and su ch b ut that is me.maybe his mom can arrange for him to call her wh en you are going to be at her house and you and george can talk. i am sorry for the loss of the day to day friendship b ut you can still stay in contact with him. even perhaps writing h im letters. take good care of yourself.

mago said...

As the prof saied - visits?

And take care of Mrs. Florence - she's a good soul!

I did not see that soemthing happened.

Leaking Moonlight said...

Sending you and everyone that is hurting love.

I wish it had all turned out differently.

(I wish sometimes too I could just get a little peek of times ahead so I could make safer and better choices.)