Friday, April 23, 2010

My Thoughts For the Blogging Day…

My Constant Companion…

Dad was in Monroe, Georgia for a 50th wedding anniversary yesterday.  Mom was feeling mentally interesting so she stayed in town.  She spent most of the day with me.  We are both on a high these days and are very busy souls.  I keep expecting the great crash for both of us that will put us in bed for a few weeks.  We went to Wal-Mart twice yesterday to get various things.   The audio/visual cables for my home theater cost $90 dollars alone.

“Just how much have we spent at Wal-Mart these past few days?” mom asked me as we sat out in the parking lot of that retail establishment.

“I’d say around $250 dollars,” was my reply.

I never did get my Blu-Ray player.  Mom said that was too rich for her blood after we tallied up the cost of the player, the cables and everything.  The price advertised online didn’t match the price in store that I was hoping to get and that I was using as leverage to obtain it.   It would have been around $150 dollars in all to purchase it plus a few Blu-Ray discs to watch as well.

Mom was obsessing over various foods yesterday.  We went to Kroger to buy her some stuff to eat that was very easy to fix.  Microwave foods.

“I am just fat as a cow,” she said as we stood in line for our purchase. “But I am okay with that.”

I smiled. Mom really isn’t that fat.  My father’s constant nagging about her needing to lose weight doesn’t help matters and has caused mom to develop a complex.  Dad is on a strict diet to lose ten pounds and wants mom to suffer as well I think.  Misery loves company as they say.

The Bringer of Gifts… 

Charlie brought my medications last night.  It was nice getting them at 8pm instead of 9:30 or 10:00.  Charlie brought me a six pack of Lipton carbonated green teas and they were delicious and such a treat.

“It is my new favorite drink,” he said as he sat on the couch and lavished Maggie with attention.

Charlie also brought me a sack from Taco Bell containing six Tacos.  It was a dangerous bulimia moment as I was hungry and wanted to eat all six.  I ate three and went to bed.   Phew!  Fast food is such a dangerous binge food for me.  I don’t get it but usually once a week and I have to unabashedly say I love it despite all the warnings of how bad it is for you. 

“I’ve got something for you in the car,” Charlie said after we waited the thirty minutes for my medications to take effect.  Charlie was under strict orders from dad to do so.  He usually just gives me my medications, sees Maggie a few moments, and leaves.  A few moments later, Charlie brought in this very large, ornate, and beautiful mirror to go over my piano in the den.  I thanked him profusely.  It really was gorgeous.


kristi said...

I love big mirrors. That was very nice of him to do that for you!!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

You've always had a soft spot for Charlie - and that's really nice of him to bring the mirror. I bet it looks great over that piano. Does this mean that you have to dress up to play now?

Sounds like you and your mom have definately settled into the same "cycle" that you mentioned. I'm sure that those Blu Ray player prices are going to drop pretty fast as the year moves along. By this fall, they'll be really reasonable.

Keep your sunny side up today!
Love ya,