Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Thoughts for the Blogging Day…

Intruder Alert!

Maggie woke me at 2:30 barking like I haven’t heard her bark in weeks.  I turned on all the outside and inside lights and then put some chicken nuggets in the microwave to warm.  I had the munchies something terrible.  “Did I lock my car?” went through my mind as I sat down in the den smoking my first cigarette of the day.  Out came the flashlight and I walked outside to make sure my car was locked.  I then opened the fence and found that Maggie had a raccoon cornered.  The raccoon was hissing menacingly and growling something fiercely backed up in the corner of the fence.  It seems he had been enjoying Mexican Tuesday’s as well before Maggie interrupted him.  Well, I had to pick Maggie up, bring her inside, and lock the dog door to diffuse the situation.  Maggie was none too pleased.  She was doing her job and I had caused a layoff.  I am sure a few backyard neighbors sighed with relief, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

The Bare Necessities…

I’ve tried a lot of templates over the course of my blogging career.  I am finding myself gravitating to simple designs that load fast.  I removed most of the bells and whistles from my blog such as the Twitter gadget and a few other things with the hopes that when you visit, the blog will load like lightning.  I am pretty sure most of you come here for my character studies and stories, and not a fancy schmancy template that looks like it was designed by a color blind child with ADHD.   I also have ulterior motives as well.  I have been doing most of my browsing and blog reading through my Wii these days and I wanted something that was friendly to that console.  

Caller ID Enabled…

Mom got me hooked up with caller ID.  I now have my phone set up with a distinct and different ring for mom’s home number, dad’s cell phone, and Mrs. Florene’s number.  These are the only people that should be calling me on a regular basis.  Terribly, I am relieved to know when Mrs. Florene calls as she can talk for an hour and sometimes I just don’t want to chat.  Because of my social anxieties, I can’t just say I have to get off the phone.  I will sit there and listen for an hour till I am exhausted.  Crazy, I know.  I love her more than anything, but she sure can run her mouth on the phone.

Adventures in Mental Illness…

I have felt this undercurrent of mental illness the past few days.  It’s nothing of the caliber I used to experience a few years ago.  My doctor and I have seemed to have found a medication regimen that mostly keeps my mental illness at bay.  But the medications aren’t perfect.  I go through cycles like my mother.  I keep having tinges of auditory hallucinations.  Car doors shutting.  Front door closing.  Knocking on the door.  Weird high pitched sounds (bleeps and whoops) in the music I listen to.   It is aggravating more than anything as it ties into my social anxieties other than the music. 

Day Two Caffeine Free…

I keep expecting this headache of grand and epic proportions today with lots of withdrawal.  I’ve had to use a bit of subterfuge to keep mom from freaking out.  I still drive over to get my diet Pepsi and put them under the sink in the cabinet.  They are my ace in the hole.  You better bet that if I get the faintest hint of a headache, I am going to drink my six for the day. 


(M)ary said...

I need templates that load quickly on blogs I read because my cell phone times out if the page doesn't populate fast enough.

Also, I am surprised to hear you can access blogs on a WII system. Wow. Technology is a changing.

Berryvox said...

I got rid of a few of the gadgets on my blog for the same reason. They weren't really serving any purpose. I love Blogger's new template designer but I wish I could get the middle to be a little wider without sacrificing the sidebars.