Saturday, April 24, 2010

Like Totally Grossed Out, Dude!

I was just lying in the bed when Maggie snuggled up to me after being outside for about thirty minutes doing her business.  She was acting awful spastic for a time she is usually conked out within minutes of climbing on the bed.  I kept feeling something wet brush against my leg so I turned on the light to see if Maggie or I had an accident while I was asleep.  THERE WAS A DEAD WET BABY RAT IN THE BED!  Maggie had found a new toy and wanted to share it with me.  Well, stupid me thought it was small enough to flush down the toilet.  Did it go? NO!  Now, I’ve got to fish a dead rat out of the toilet and go tosh it over the fence where Maggie can’t get it.  I am tired.  I am going to bed.  Floating dead rats can wait until the morning.  LOL


- PT said...

That's funny!

forsythia said...

Would have loved to have seen a video clip of this episode of The Life of Andrew and Maggie. Our ancient (now in doggie heaven) beagle once tried to bring a fluffy dead something into the house. I told him "no!" He was SO disappointed.

Joy Heather said...

Hi andrew..been poorly, just catching up on your blog..the rat on the bed is funny but gross at the same time LOL..but they can carry such diseases, why not bury it..thats much safer all round...i am sorry to hear that Georges sentance is so high..sorry for poor Mrs Florene and you mostly..will you be able to get to visit..or talk on the phone..i think he'll need you more than ever now ?..Hugs Joy

Joy Heather said...

Andrew i have had a security warning..with your blog keeps flashing, it says Quote 'This webpage cntains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage'....I am not very technical, but am a bit worried, i have never had it before..i switched off and tried again..the same message come on when i logged onto you blog today..this is the 1st time it has happened..could you explain it to me please Andrew..tyhanks Joy

Mary K said...

Ack! Not a nice surprise!

mary said...

My cat Leif used to catch mice and put them next to his food bowl. Thankfully, he didn't bring them to bed. Now, with 2 cats and a beagle, the critters seem to be staying out of the house.

Jane said...

We-Ping left me a baby rabbit on the front porch.
I told her thank you, but that she was bad for killing a cute little rabbit, and not to do it again!