Wednesday, April 28, 2010

To Mary K…

I poured my heart out in the comment section of your blog tonight only to learn it wouldn’t let me publish the comment because your template isn’t displaying word verification correctly.  I just want you to know I hear you, read you every chance you write, and can so empathize with what you are going through.  I wrote in my comment that I am selfish and I want you around so I can have you online writing your blogs – both of which I enjoy immensely.   Your comment about being whale shit on the bottom of the ocean had me roaring with laughter despite the seriousness of the subject of your essay.  I shouldn’t have laughed, but I am crazy that way.  I am always here.  Keep writing!  You have a gift for it!   


Mary K said...

Thank you.
I was feeling pretty lowly. It helps to know that you're out there reading and laughing.
Even when I'm sad I can't help but crack jokes. It keeps me sane. :p

The writing helps. It helps better than a shrink and it's cheaper. Now I'm gonna go figure out what's buggered up with the word verification.

Joy Heather said...

Its good that you were able to help Mary K Andrew...I put a post on one of my blogs recently ( i have since deleted it as it was SO depressing)..but it made me realise just how important our blogging friends can be when we are really low..its sometimes hard to talk to friends who you see regularly..but to write about them is theraputic in itself..and when folk are kind enough to comment it makes you feel less alone.