Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Thoughts for the Blogging Day…

Maggie’s all torn up this morning.  Something outside has gotten her in a stir.  She has barked since we both awoke at four. 

“What is it girl? What’s going on?” I just asked her stepping outside to survey the backyard for possums.

Well, this just spurred her on to bark louder giving her courage with the appearance of me.  She finally came in the dog door a moment ago to drink some water thirsty from her exertions and I locked it.  I don’t want to keep the neighbors up at 5am on a Saturday morning.  They can thank me later.

I was thinking this morning of all the addictions I had over the years and one of the most absolutely addicting addictions I had when I was younger was huffing gasoline.  It was a feeling akin to getting nitrous oxide at the dentist.  You got that same ringing in the ears and you would go numb.  Dad would always keep a can of gas in the basement and I would go and inhale from the can and get high.  You would have to inhale every few minutes to keep the high.  To this day, and it has been years and years since I’ve done it, but I can still taste gas and the smell, and feel that feeling of being absolutely out of it for hours.   I wonder how many brain cells I killed all those years I did that as a young man and a child.  It is amazing I am still alive.

I don’t have anything to do today and it is a wonderful feeling.  I will probably go back to bed around nine and sleep until lunch.  Mom bought me some microwave pasta bowls on grocery day and I am looking forward to heating one and eating it at noon.   I have over 25 snickers bars that need eating, but I am afraid to eat them.  I am afraid all that sugar will cause an anxiety attack.  Mom went overboard about that with them being on sale. They were only .29 cents each with her senior discount and Kroger card.   

A new blog I am reading these days is Shouldn't this body have come with a user's manual? Mary K. was one of my better friends in high school.  We were both very interested in choir and the chorus.  I am finding we are so much alike in our elder years that it is uncanny.  We both are weather fanatics.  We are both mentally interesting.  We are both very eclectic people.   I call her my kindred spirit these days and have so enjoyed catching up with her and her life after years of being out of touch. 


Nyssa said...

Snickers YUM YUM! If you need a hand let me know.

Mary K said...

And I'm enjoying catching up with you. (((Hugs)))