Friday, April 16, 2010

Helen Fridays…

Helen cooked cubed steak, rice and gravy, broccoli, and biscuits today.  She also sent me a big bowl of fruit salad.  This is one of my more favorite meals Helen cooks.  I am off to enjoy it as soon as it cools down.  The plate was so hot that I could barely hold it. 

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glittermom said...

I wish I had a Helen..

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I sort of have a Helen - - my hubby does almost all of our cooking (he doesn't like my cooking at all). Problem is, he sure doesn't fix anything that comes close to what Helen or Mrs. Florene can stir up!

Shhhhhh - don't tell him I said that - he might go on strike! If he's willing to do it, I would never, ever complain about it!

Have a wonderful evening, Andrew Dear!

- PT said...

That looks soo good!