Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wanting More Technology…

The funniest thing just happened.  I don’t watch much TV, but the HDTV dad and mom gave me got me excited about HDTV broadcasts.  I want the technology more than anything.  Well, I just called dad and asked him if I could order digital HDTV for $40 extra dollars a month.  Our cable service offers over 30 channels now and I would really like to watch Food TV in HDTV glory – one of the few channels I will watch on a regular basis. 

“Oh, I don’t know if you can afford digital cable,” dad said indecisively. “Your budget is stretched pretty thin.”

“Johnny, don’t tell him that,” I heard my mother say mutedly from a distance. She must have been sitting next to him.  “You have several thousand dollars saved up in his bank account now.”

“Martha, HUSH!” dad exclaimed.

I laughed and laughed.  Leave it up to mom to foil dad’s plans.  Mom loves it when I get “stuff” as long as when dad pays for it.  Dad also keeps hoping I will go back to college and finish my degree so he has been trying to save money and has been putting money here and there in my account he said.

“So can I order it?” 

“Promise me you won’t drink or use Benadryl and you can make the call.”

I promised and squee’d with glee.  I just called and ordered it and they will be here Tuesday at 8am to install the set top box.  I also added a DVR for an extra $3 dollars a month and bought an HDMI cable for $19.95.  It feels good to shop sometimes – something I never get to do.  I am so excited that I don’t think I can wait until Tuesday!


Annabel said...

I love, love, love having a DVR. I don't know how I existed without it. The HDMI cable, though, you could have gotten a LOT cheaper. I ordered one through Amazon and it was about $3.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Good for you! Even Hubby and I can tell a difference with the HDTV. I love what it does to the colors - so bright and sharp! And recording is a snap!

Tuesday is soon enough - patience - dear - patience!


Mary K said...

Ten years from now when everyone is over HDTV and the world is just about to move on to the next great thing is when we'll break down and get it. :p
No, seriously, congrats! I'd like to just get a DVR for starters. I can live with our TV until it dies, I think.

Anonymous said...

i am glad that you are getting that since you want it. i do not have digital cable y et and have been trying to decide if i can afford it. i hope that your having a good day. liz

JY said...

Just deciding to comment... I've been reading your blog on and off for quite some time...forgot who's blog from which I came, but yeah the sounds like it rocks! We finally got our HDD recorder last's pretty awesome.. none of that video tape crap any more! Cheers...

justLacey said...

With online classes, finishing your degree could be done from home. Why haven't you given it a try? One class at a time wouldn't be so hard. If it doesn't work for you, you can say you at least made the attempt. IF you finished it, imagine the awesome accomplishment that would be. You have already made so many.