Sunday, May 21, 2017

And He Scrubbed and He Scrubbed...

Dad was on Facebook in the den with my laptop and Charlie was busy scrubbing my sink in the kitchen. I had the Mötley Crüe busy tonight trying to get me busy as well. I was also having to police dad to make sure he wasn't posting anything under my Facebook account as he scrolled through all the postings. He loves to antagonize my mother's brothers and sisters.

"Charlie? You don't have to do all that," I shamefully told him of my dirty sink as he scrubbed and washed all my dishes. "Come on and let's feed and water Maggie so y'all can head on home."

I had already taken out all the trash to the bin at the curb. I thought I was way ahead of the curve.

"Now dammit!" Charlie said adamantly. "I was born to clean!"

"Do you ever look at porn on your computer?" my father then surprised me and asked me in a risque manner.

He garnered a Cheshire grin as I rolled my eyes.

"Good god, dad!" I exclaimed. "That is just gross. That is one surefire way of screwing up your computer. I guarantee you!"

No wonder dad has so many problems with his computer that I have to fix. He is the malicious browser toolbar king.

"You mean you've never looked before? Surely curiosity has gotten the best of you," he said.

"I've looked before, but all those porn actresses look fake and out of my league," I said modestly.

"Do you remember what I told you and your brother in high school?" dad asked. "Your hand is your best friend."

"I am ready, John," Charlie said walking into the den with two more trash bags full of trash.

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