Sunday, May 28, 2017

The PIN Code to Family -- Access Denied...

My father went to my sister's house in Alex City this afternoon. The introvert in me remained introverted today despite being invited to come. They were going to take the boat out on the lake which the kids just love. My father says my brother-in-law's boat is very nice and a real speed demon. He said they may even do some water skiing -- something I could never master.

"Is Charlie bringing my medications?" I asked my father over the phone this afternoon on a hope and a prayer.

Please god? Jesus? That can even get this old staunch secular humanist praying.

"I am bringing them and I am bringing you something to eat as well," my father told me.

My head sunk into my chest just like Admiral Akbar in Star Wars when they destroyed the super star destroyer except Akbar's was out of relief and mine is out of consternation. This usually means I will get my medications around 11 PM. I just hope my father doesn't drink and drive. My sister and brother both will have enough sense to keep that from happening.

My father asked me the other day how I knew he had been drinking even though he wasn't slurring his words. He got really defensive about it.

"You can smell it on you!" I exclaimed very excitably. "You smell like a brewery. It comes out of your pores and with your breath."

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