Sunday, May 21, 2017

What A Nice Salad You Have There!

Charlie ran by breakfast this morning which is our routine. Sunday mornings are always looked forward to and cherished. He was running a little later than usual. Maggie was first to alert me to his arrival. I got very excited and was so very glad to see him. I was holding out on the hopes that he would arrive soon.

"I am in a hurry or I would visit with you folks," Charlie told me as he handed me and Maggie's sausage biscuits through the door. "Horsefly is acting antsy Janice said. Lord knows we don't want Horsefly to pitch a hissy fit."

Charlie told me he had to tear up Horsefly's sausage biscuit in small little bits or he will get sick at his stomach. I do the same for the Magster. She wolfs down her food and I always worry she will get choked.

"Thank you fella," I told him very affectionately as I gave him a man hug.

A few hours later, I was sitting at this computer browsing about electric cars when my father called. Did you know my brother's electric Tesla produces the equivalent of 400 horsepower? Also, the torque of an electric motor is almost instant, unlike a car whose engine has to build its torque as the engine rpm's rise.

Back to the matters at hand after that little segue.

"Janice is making chicken salad for lunch. Do you want to come and ride with me? I'll pick you up in a few moments."

"Give me time to throw on some decent clothes and I will be ready to go," I told my father.

I immediately went rummaging through my clothes dryer looking for a good shirt and pair of shorts that weren't too wrinkled.

After we arrived, Janice asked me if I wanted a chicken salad sandwich or if I wanted to eat my chicken salad with crackers. I opted for the crackers and they were absolutely delicious.

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