Thursday, May 11, 2017

It's Almost Midnight! Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

11:00 PM rolled around last night and her highness, the Duchess and I, went to bed. Maggie knew we were going to bed when I started to turn off all the lights in the house. The TV was turned off and Maggie raced to the bed. She took up her place at the foot on top of the covers. If she gets under the covers then it is like two pigs fighting under a blanket.

"Isn't Papa coming?" she seemed to ask very innocently.

It is the highlight of Maggie's day and I hated to disappoint her.

"Papa had other things to do tonight, sweetheart," I told the Magster as I nestled my head amidst my ultra comfortable pillows.

About midnight, there was a knock on the door. By this time, I was in dreamland. It was my father. I knew he had been to something highfaluting when he was in his BMW. I let him inside.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked me sheepishly wanting a hug.

Mom used to ask my father that all the time and it would aggravate him. Oh, have the tables have turned.

"I didn't mean to be so late."

"I am not really that mad, but I am very ready to go back to sleep," I replied kindly. "I've had a tough day mental illness wise this afternoon and this would certainly happen on one of those days. It's just my luck."

I know it sounds very manipulative, but it was the most opportune time to tell my father of that $34.99 laptop SODIMMs I wanted. My father said he would get Matt to order it in the morning. I sent Matt an email after my father had left.

Evoke the Auschwitz Mantra...

I really can't get mad at the man. I love him so much and he saved me from certain doom many years ago. He also brought me Maggie and I am gracious beyond measure for him doing that. I can turn a blind eye to some malfeasances sometimes.


"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked my father as he got up to head home.

"We are forgetting Maggie's ritual!"

Maggie looked on approvingly as we poured freeze dried venison and turkey in her bowl. YUM!

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