Sunday, August 05, 2018

72 Hour Psychiatric Hold…

George was acting awful erratic this afternoon. First, he parked his car in front of my house and started to walk back home. I walked out to greet him.

“Car trouble? Or did you run out of gas?” I asked George.

“I’ll move it in a minute,” which made absolutely no sense.

George can barely walk as it is and rested for a moment on my mailbox to steady himself.

I went back inside to watch ever carefully as events unfolded. George came back out to move the car with a stumbling gait and almost hit my neighbors across the street as they pulled out of their driveway. They had been watching closely as well and called 911. At this point, George was almost incoherent. The ambulance and two police cars arrived.

“I was the one who called the police,” my very rotund neighbor said boastfully. “I thought he was going to kill somebody or kill himself.”

The police officer informed us both that George is going to East Alabama Medical Center to be held for 72 hours on a psychiatric hold. I hope George rests and feels better. They have awesome food and you can eat as much as you like. They just keep that wing of the hospital freezing cold like a meat locker.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

He was drinking heavily the day before, maybe that was the problem. He doesn’t seem quite right ..