Saturday, August 04, 2018

Frank & Ava…

Any good Suzanne Vega fan will get the Frank and Ava reference. I had the tune in my head as I drove. ♫ It is not enough to be in love!

There sure was some testy partying going on next door last night. George is usually in the bed at nine. Well, I was leaving at nine to go see the grandkids at my father’s house and George and Lisa were still going quite strong and quite loud.

“How are ya, George?” I hollered over the music.

He didn’t even hear me telling Lisa to do something. “Try it now,” is what I think he told her. That made my imagination run wild. “Try what now?”

All the doors to the house were open and every light was on. There was loud honky tonk music emanating from the door by George’s kitchen leading out onto the carport.

I fear George’s car battery is dead this morning as he left the door to his car open all night. I should have walked over there and shut it, but it probably would have been too late this morning anyway. So I expect when they get sobered up some for George to ask me to jump off his Caravan sometime today.

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