Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Record Was Set Tonight…

the friendly folksDad called me at 8:45pm sharp tonight. The time we had agreed on earlier in the afternoon.

“Hey Chuck! You ready to go?” he asked.

“I will meet you up there,” I replied impatiently.

I grabbed my keys off the key holder and headed to the car for the short three mile drive to Kroger.

I then did my shopping and was waiting on my father to walk into the store. I parked my cart at the front of the store and stood and waited.

“You ready to checkout sir? I can get you on six.” a little black lady said.

“I am waiting on somebody,” I replied. “Thank you, though.”

“Oh, okay,” she said. “Let me know when you are ready.”

“You were quick tonight!” Old Fuss and Feathers said surprised when he finally walked in.

I must’ve been waiting ten minutes.

We checked out. I loaded up my car and I was sitting back in front of this computer at 9:19pm. It took all of 30 minutes to drive to Kroger, do my shopping tonight and to unload and put away my groceries. I knew what I wanted. I got in and I got out. It would’ve been twenty minutes if not for the wait on my father to arrive.

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