Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Tales of Woe: No Circle K, No Kroger, No Walmart Tonight…

I just had a extremely massive panic attack and it was dispelled by the simple words, “We don’t have to go tonight.” Old Fuss and Feathers was really nice tonight and told me just to calm down and relax. The whole thing seemed insurmountable. I needed gas for my car, groceries for my pantry, and some nice clothes to wear to the doctor on Friday. On shaky ground I am. Old Fuss and Feathers insists on going so late so he won’t get “caught” by someone he knows.

“We will just go sometime during the day tomorrow,” my father told me. “You just calm down and get to feeling better.”

I thanked him profusely for being so nice about the affair. Usually he would try and manhandle me through the process of going to these stores. It was almost like someone gave me a couple of valium when he told me we didn’t have to go tonight. It immediately defused that ticking timebomb that can be my addled brain.

Meanwhile, As We Volunteer: Love Lost…

Tracy broke up with her long-term boyfriend yesterday. She didn’t seem like herself all morning – her usual chipper self. He had been meeting women on behind her back. I tried to console her the best I could.

“Time heals wounds,” I told her. “I know this very well. Maybe it’s the ethos’s way of getting you a better boyfriend.”

“We fought all the time at the end anyway,” Tracy told me. “We were always at odds with each other. It still hurts so damn badly, though.”


Anonymous said...

Tell Tracy I sent a hug her way. I know very well how hard breakups can be having several myself over the past few years. We need to get you better as well. I am praying your doctor can help you feel better. I felt your anguish through your words tonight. Know that you are not alone.


glittermom said...

Who’s Tracy? I’m confused.

Andrew said...

Tracy is my cohort at the Humane Society. I have talked about her dozens of time since I've been volunteering. Just click on Tracy's name in the post tags and you can read of her and about her.

glittermom said...

Ok, now I remember. So many women hard to keep track. LOL