Wednesday, October 17, 2018

From the Annals of Volunteering…

Animal control brought us problems today – problems for us to fix and solve. First, was the wildcat. The lady officer took a hook and loop and grabbed a cat out of the back of the officer’s truck. The cat was just wild. It went just flailing about and shrilly screaming as she carried it inside to a empty cage in the cat room.

“She’s hurting it!” Tracy screeched, covering her eyes.

Next, was a sweet, small dog with a huge hideous looking tumor on its right rear quarter. The dog was amiable and seemed fine. I felt of the tumor as I carried him back to a kennel. He didn’t yelp or seem in pain. The dog was just completely famished and glad to get a big bowl of kibble and something to drink. I got down on my haunches and petted him as he ate and drank.

“We’re going to get you fixed up little buddy,” I told him.

“We are going to have to get that tumor taken off if anybody is going to adopt him,” Mrs. Barbara told me as I emerged from the kennels.

“He doesn’t seem to be in pain. It just looks really nasty,” I replied.

“I’ll take him to the Vet in the morning,” Barbara said.

It’s That Time of the Month and We Are Not Talking About Women’s Issues…

I saw him first. The meter reader that is. He was about a block over and heading our way. Maggie’s proximity alarm had already gone off probably due to the neighborhood dogs barking maniacally. She was already barking up a storm. I was just pulling in the driveway from the Humane Society. I quickly ran inside and locked the dog door before Maggie could escape to the backyard. I was then treated to an hour of vicious barking.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

So Maggie likes the meter reader? Don't all dogs? At one house, we read our own meter and set some dials on a card then put it in the window and once a year, they checked up on us by actually reading the meter.Then one house, the reader would knock and I'd gather the dogs and open the garage door for him. When the big door went up, he was safe!

Here, I have never seen a meter reader. Come to think of it, I haven't seen one since I moved to TN almost 6 years ago!