Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Cavalry Arrived at 4:00 PM...

Charlie called me this morning and told me he would be here at 4:00 pm and he was true to his word. He arrived exactly at 4:00 pm. I like the way Charlie does things as they take out all the guesswork. Charlie, my dear mother, and I are all just alike. We take such things very seriously. I could be waiting for hours for my lackadaisical father to arrive in a similar situation. Lord help us if he gets on his cell phone with his cousin Johnny.

Charlie immediately began cleaning my house with Horsefly sitting in the car and the car was running out at the street. This worried me something terrible.

"You don't have to do that!" I exclaimed to Charlie entirely embarrassed. "When I don't feel well the cleanliness of my house can tell on me. It suffers."

"Now dammit," Charlie replied to me brusquely. "I can have you back to shipshape in just ten minutes."

Charlie was a whirlwind of cleaning fury and activity. He left my house carrying three bags of trash.

"I love you!" Charlie said as he walked across the yard to the trashcan.

"I love you, too, fella!" I told him back. "And thank you!"


Summer said...

I need Charlie in my life!

skinny minny said...

My house does the same thing. Right now it is terrible need to at least get the public spaces cleaned up just no Charlie in my life to help me.