Monday, September 11, 2017

Ms. Irma's Ire...

I called dad and told him I was on the way to get my medications. This was about 1:30 pm.

"Take extra care," my father said. "It is getting really bad out there,"

"It is only going to get worse from here on out," I told my father. "That's why I want to go ahead and get my medications. I may not be able to get them any later."

I hurried to my car and the rain was icy and biting on my face blown about by the fierce winds. The car door shut with a thunk and I was in temporary sanctuary from nature's fury.

I didn't broach the topic of going to the grocery store tonight. It doesn't look like it is going to happen. I still have some loaf bread, mayonnaise, and Cotto salami to make sandwiches with and plenty of diet Cokes. I have cereal, but I just don't have any milk. There are two Marie Calendar meat loaf meals in the freezer I was saving to make sandwiches out of the meatloaf.

Like a Woman Scorned...

There was tons of debris on the roads on my drive to my father's house -- tree limbs and such. One tree was down on 8th avenue. The police were everywhere, but there was little traffic on the roads. I noticed the Piggly Wiggly was open along with Fred's super dollar (let those employees go home).

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