Sunday, September 17, 2017

Don't Get My Dog Down...

I have never quite seen Maggie so glad to see Charlie this morning. It was really heartwarming to witness. She squealed extremely loudly and was letting me know that Charlie was here.

Maggie's not your average dog and quickly learned to nose the matt to the couch back in place. Maggie was on the couch when Charlie pulled up to the curb this morning. My "child" can surprise me at times and it surprised me when I walked into the den this morning to open the door. Maggie was carrying on like it was the second coming of Christ.

"How is my favorite nephew?" Charlie asked me jesting as he walked across my yard and handed me a large Coke and a bag of sausage biscuits.

I was having to keep Maggie from bolting through the door.

"I'm just fine uncle Charlie," I said with a relieved grin. "Step inside and see Maggie for a moment."

Magie was just beside herself to greet and welcome the beta dog into our home.

"I'll see you tonight," Charlie then said. "Do you want your usual?"

"Yeah, just get the chicken strips $5 fillup meal," I replied. "I've got to have my chocolate chip cookie and a large mashed potatoes and gravy."

I Got My Just Desserts...

I knew not to look at my recent comments this morning. I had supremely and correctly surmised what was written in them. Negativity always fosters negativity when it concerns my blog and blog comments. I had a dozen "good" writings before that and no one commented. I am a very sensitive fellow and it can really get to you at times, you know? I am not blaming anyone, but most of you are my friends and I have grown to adore many of you.


Kran's Crackers said...

I believe that the folks who leave comments on a fairly regular basis care about you. So if they see somethng that strikes them wrong (i.e. your Dad and psychiatrist talking shop instead of concentrating on you), it makes sense that they would comment on it. I don't think anyone wants to make you uncomfortable or stressed, or that they're making a personal attack against you. When people care, they tend to share their opinions trying to be helpful. Maybe we just all need to think carefully about how we share our thoughts with you so as not to cause you any distress.


glittermom said...

Would you rather we do not comment. Unless we only say comments that don't express our feelings..

Jane said...

i think your dad is afraid that if you have a complaint/problem to share with your psychiatrist, your psychiatrist will change your medications and rock the took your dad quite some time to put you back together no thanks to the medical community......and i think your dad does know what's best for you most of the i kind of understand where he's coming from.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that I've never commented over the years I've been reading your blog. One reason is that when they want you to prove you are not a robot and had the wiggly letters to type in, I could never get it right. I don't know why.

Now that there is just a box to check that I am not a robot, I hope this comment will post.

I admire your bravery in writing about the things you feel because it does leave you open to criticism whether constructive trying to be helpful or otherwise. I am far too sensitive to do that.