Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Case of the Missing Bologna...

I swore I bought a container of bologna last night. I have checked the car and the fridge twice hoping to find it. Kroger is bad about that -- not putting all your paid for items into your cart and leaving it to languish to the side. You have to watch your bagger closely. Sandwiches are what I usually eat at the end of the week when I have exhausted my more appetizing food -- a holdover if you will.

Pharmacy Be Gone!

It is after 7 pm and that means Papa is on his way home up Hwy. 29. I look forward to seeing him tonight and sharing his company with Maggie. Hopefully, he won't be too exhausted that he can't stay awhile (I will turn on the television 😁). Personally? I am feeling rather shaky tonight and will relish taking my medications and going to bed amidst clean, laundered sheets and an enticingly warm comforter. I actually had to turn on the heat for the first time this fall season. There is a nip in the air.

1 comment:

Kran's Crackers said...

Is it almost time for your shot? How often do you get them?
- Sharon -