Wednesday, November 22, 2017

I've Felt Broken Down Myself a Few Times as Well...

The phone rang and it took me a second to recognize the voice. It was Charlie's wife, Janice. This bode unusual and extremely out of the ordinary.

"Charlie's bringing you supper," she said. "But he forgot to take his phone with him and Erin's (Charlie's granddaughter) car is broken down 30 miles south of Atlanta. She says she feels entirely unsafe."

Charlie arrived with a Big Mac value meal, giant Coke, and medications. I walked out to his car to see if he needed help bringing anything in and he did. We had my six nightly diet Cokes to contend with as well.

"Call your wife," I said handing him my cellphone once he got inside. "Erin's car has broken down south of Atlanta."

Charlie told me to dial the number and then hand the phone back to him.

"Meet me at the end of the driveway with my phone and a glass of tea," he told Janice and he was on the way to rescue his granddaughter.

I told Charlie I would be glad to go and help him. If it was a flat tire, then that would be right up my alley. Charlie was worried about how my medications would affect me if I had to drive.

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