Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Dawn of Yawny...

Yes, my name is Yawny this foggy, overcast morning. The Magster and I have just gotten up and I am nursing a diet Coke hoping the caffeine will jolt me into life. I was very pleased this morning when I realized I had three left from last night. Conservation is my friend.

Maggie and I were sitting in the den waiting for my father to arrive with medications last evening until a car pulled up. We both grew very excited. It wasn't my father, though. It was actually Charlie. Maggie redoubled her barking efforts. Beta Dog!

"We are going to super clean every room of your house starting tonight," Charlie told me holding a big bucket full of cleaning supplies. "And you've got to do your part to keep it that way."

"Sir! Yes, Sir!" I replied in salute and in military fashion as Charlie chuckled.

I thought my bathroom was pretty clean, but Charlie worked on it for a good hour and a half. He was a sweaty mess when he finished. I couldn't complain, but it messed up my nightly after medication routines. I can be just a little anally retentive sometimes. Blame it on my mother.

Dad finally arrived on the scene and had returned from buying me cigarettes and picking Horsefly up from the bowling alley. He hung out until Charlie was finished after we had taken my medications. I had a house full last night. Horsefly was going back and forth to every room turning the lights on and off. One time, Horsefly left my father and I sitting in the dark to the harsh glow of the television.

I noticed Maggie sat out in the backyard and barked the whole time. Maggie, bless her nervous soul, can't take all that noise Charlie was making -- the scraping and the scrubbing. She was also worried she might get a bath as well which she hates. If you run the water to the tub, then she is out that dog door in a split second.

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