Wednesday, November 01, 2017

The Tumble of All Tumbles...

I leaned back in my computer chair tonight as I often do and just completely busted my ass as I fell to the floor. The chair had given way. Speakers went flying. Wires were yanked out of their sockets. My computer immediately died.  Maggie started to bark at the loud noises my tumble made. All I could think was that I hoped my computer was okay. I feared the plug getting torn from the socket of my surround speakers had ruined the sound card and subsequently the motherboard of the computer.

Maggie, bless her dear little affectionate soul, came into the computer room seeing me needing aid and she lay next to me until I felt I could get up and fix this mess I made for myself. I lay on the floor for about 10 minutes. I like to say that about the affectuousness of Maggie, but she could've just thought it was nap time.

It almost unplugged my computer in my tumble so I put the plug back in and it whirred to life. I sighed with relief. Somehow, I don't think I could wrangle a new computer out of my father. I would have to use one of my other two computers. I also sighed thankfully that my expensive Sound Blaster Z sound card was fine and working.

Shall We Partake of the Crazy Med?

"You know your injection is in the morning," my father told me handing me the shot already filled and ready to go. "I have a pharmacy seminar I have to attend down in Auburn so I am trusting you to take care of business."

"Don't worry. I won't let you down," I replied. "I will be at Kamath Medical at nine."

"Just give me the next appointment card tomorrow night," my father told me.

As my father was handing me my medication, a pill dropped to the floor. I got out my flashlight and got on the floor to find it. It was an errant risperidone tablet.

Moments later, Dad was holding my hand and caressing it. I was a nice moment of affection on his part.

"They would say we are incestuous on Facebook," dad said chuckling.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Glad you made it back up with no injury. You might feel it in the morning. Time for a new chair?