Monday, November 27, 2017

One Diamond, One Heart...

My current music fixation is the Smashing Pumpkin's Oceania. I have always been a big fan of the Smashing Pumpkins since the 90's. I have already listened to this album I bet twenty times. I didn't like their last album, Zeitgeist, nearly as well as this album. This album reminds me of the Smashing Pumpkin's eclectic album Siamese Dream.

Bjork also has an album called Oceania by the way. I remember it being strange sounding and avant garde as only Bjork can produce.

I jumped the gun...

I couldn't wait any longer and drove over to my father's house at 1:45 pm to get my medications. It amused my father and he told me I was just as impetuous as my dear departed mother.

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