Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Poor Dear Charlie and Dear Horsefly...

On the way to Horsefly's matinee, Charlie pulled up in front of my house this afternoon and it was taking him a long time to come inside. Maggie was having a fit at the chance of seeing Beta dog. I walked out to his car to see what was going on. My first thoughts were that he was just talking on his cellphone as my father often does in these delays.

"Dammit to hell," Charlie said harshly. "Horsefly blew chunks all over the back of my car."

Charlie was trying to clean it up with fast food napkins he had in his car. I ran inside and got a bucket of hot water with just a dash of Fabuloso. I got several wash cloths and a towel as well and I also grabbed a clean t-shirt for Horsefly.

"He wanted a regular Sprite so bad and I let him have one," Charlie said. "I should've known this was going to happen. That's why I only let him drink Sprite Zero. He can't take all that sugar in those regular sodas."

We got it cleaned up with a little elbow grease and spit and polish. Charlie came inside and we took my medications. He had also brought me a Big Mac value meal which I devoured after he left before the fries could get too cold. The extra large Coca-Cola was just icing on the cake. All's well that ends well as the old saying goes.

Before Charlie left, I asked him what he does those hours while Horsefly watches his movie.

"I hit all the antique shops around town looking for bargains," Charlie said. "Angela's Antiques is my favorite shop."

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