Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A New Day Dawns on Papa...

I winced when my father answered the phone.

"So, are you feeling better today?" I asked my father with great trepidation this morning.

"I was downright mean last night, wasn't I?" my father replied apologizing with a chuckle. "We had some of the most aggravating customers come into the pharmacy yesterday! I was on my last nerve when I arrived at your house."

"You were mean as a rattlesnake!" I told him. "You almost ruined my good mood."

"I forget you are like your mother and internalize other people's feelings," he said.

"I can't help it. It is in my genes -- my Achilles heel," I replied.

"Is the WOW! truck coming today?" I then asked hopefully.

I sometimes feel like I am in the Army -- hurry up and wait!

"I honestly, really don't know," my father replied. "Keep an eye out for them."

One of my New Year's resolutions is to dress more nicely every day instead of my standard fare of sweatpants and t-shirts. I thought my father (Hyacinth Bucket) would be overjoyed at this revelation. I also told him we were going to sell my car and not buy computer parts, but instead get my teeth fixed with that money. He didn't act enthused at all last night and it deeply disappointed me. I thought he would be extremely overjoyed at this sudden turn of rational thinking.

"We could use my Christmas money to buy nice clothes," I then told him.

"I've already ordered your computer parts!" he snapped at me.



Jan said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE Hyacith Bucket! I'm always imitating her when Ron is driving..."Ronald, mind the pedestrian!"

Andrew said...

Jan, I will be sure to invite you to my father's candlelight supper! HA!!!

Jen said...

I love Hyacinth!!!

Summer said...

I call my husband Hyacinth when he makes an attempt to dust with the little duster we have.

Jane said...

"I forget you are like your mother and internalize other people's feelings," he said.
he did the same thing when aggravating customers "got on his last nerve" causing him to treat you like crap!