Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Worried Papas...

Dad just called. There was a little henpecking going on and a change in my medications. He had me bring my medications over yesterday so he could look at them.

"Did you take your noon meds?" he asked me.

He feels so out of control and it is driving him crazy leaving me exasperated.

"Yes, I did," I replied. "I told you I am not going to let myself or you down."

"Those three lithium in the noon dose need to be taken one at breakfast, one at lunch, and one at supper," my father told me. "I don't know why they are putting them all at noon."

"Charlie and I will be there tonight with your supper and I want to see you take your nightly dose," my father then furthered.

One of my most helpful medications I take lately is the Coreg. It is a beta blocker and it soothes my heart and lessens my anxiety. It also lowers my blood pressure making for a mild mannered Andrew.

1 comment:

skinny minny said...

I was wondering how the new medication routine was going.
I find it interesting that he was concerned about you taking the 3 lithiums together when you were taking ALL meds at one time before...