Monday, December 25, 2017

Mostly Forgotten...

I guess I can't complain. It has been a quiet Christmas. I set my alarm to take my noon medications and Maggie and I went back to bed and slept until 4 pm.  I couldn't get my father on the phone so I drove to his house and no one was home. The beemer was gone so that means he had traveled out of town. Charlie went to Atlanta to be with his oldest son and his granddaughter on Christmas.

It is also our first Christmas without mom and I miss her dearly. She wouldn't join in on all the revelry and would stay at home in the bed. I would call her with a sob story about how Christmas sucks and she would tell me to come over and be with her. She might just give me something medicinal to make me feel better as well. (ahem)

All Hope is Not Yet Lost...

Edit: Papa was just passing through Camp Hill, Alabama late this evening when he called me on the way back from my sister's house. Thank goodness!

"I'll call you when I get home," he said. "You have a lot of presents from your brother and sister. I've missed you and I love you."

"Do you know what I gave all the grandkids?" dad then asked. "I gave them all $250 and a framed picture of Samantha. (dad chuckles) The kids loved it and had a fit over it!"

I guess the cavalry is arriving after all. Just when I had lost all hopes for this Christmas. You just don't want to be alone on the holidays. You want your family to be around you.

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